Monday, May 25, 2009

Finding Other Artist is Part of the fun of being One!

I am a proud member of Etsy, Team Fort Worth and although it is a new Etsy team, it is full of talent and enthusiasm. I am so impressed with the knowledge and talent in this group and I am just a new I said before. They know how to blog, post, network, and I hope they are going to teach me how to market my neat designs.
I also visited the Cattle Barn Flea Market last week and found some very talented people there too. The Cattle Barn Flea Market it turning into a much more "polished" venue than it was only a short time ago. The booths are taking on a "Little Specialty Shop" look and they are getting to be attractively arranged and it just looks like progress is happening. I still am sometimes amazed that some of the "oldies" will sit there with real junk...did I say junk...yes and price it as though it is going to be grabbed up immediately.....Don't get me wrong, some things are definitely nice and should be priced accordingly....but don't try to fool a veteran of shopper's annoynomous....I know! And, if I were sitting there, I would be encouraging offers....and some do. who I have met: I met a lady that has a degree in metal smithing and she sells beading supplies and is going to make jewelry to sell in a magazine this Summer...She had lots of information to share. I love sharing knowledge and admiring the works of others.
I also met a lady who calls herself the FunkyGypsy, and she is extremely creative. She makes beautiful beaded (tiny beads) necklaces and also sells darling Children's Clothing. She travels and sells her things to stores and to individuals. I had lots of fun chatting and hope to see both of them again soon.
If you are an artist at matter the level of success, you usually see the neat sides of people and "things"....the creative mind is a miracle!
Now see what I did this week..........on by the way, My real job is REAL ESTATE....and I believe real estate is picking up!

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